Is It Time For Exhaust System Replacement? 4 Signs To Look Out For

An efficient exhaust system is vital to your car's performance as it expels the engine's gas fumes. This ensures proper management of harmful gases and increases the engine's efficiency.

However, like any other car part, a time comes when the exhaust system succumbs to wear and tear, necessitating a replacement. Failure to replace the exhaust sooner makes your car prone to further damage and costlier repairs. Discover some signs that it is time for exhaust system replacement. 

1. Black Spots on the Exterior of Your Car

These spots can manifest at the rear bumper, around the wheels, and near the tailpipe. This issue indicates a leak in either part of the exhaust, such as the muffler or catalytic converter. Occasionally, these spots release a pungent odor which alerts you further about an exhaust system issue.

2. Popping or Hissing Sounds From The Tailpipe

Usually, a car's exhaust system should produce a low rumble sound. But, on the contrary, if you experience popping or hissing sounds coming out of your tailpipe, a malfunctioning exhaust system is the most likely cause.

The exhaust system features many parts, such as the gasket. And when this part is malfunctioning, air leaks out, creating popping sounds. In the same way, if you notice roaring sounds, that may be due to erosion of the muffler's interior parts.

Rattling sounds signify exhaust system misalignment, perhaps because the component's parts have fractured due to corrosion or vibration.

3. Decreased Fuel Efficiency

Check the exhaust system for issues if you experience a sudden decrease in your car's fuel efficiency and acceleration. When the exhaust malfunctions, the engine fails to expel gas properly, and as a result, it consumes more fuel. Additionally, when the exhaust system is corroded or damaged, the engine has to work harder to perform at its optimal level.

4. Smelly Fumes in the Cabin

Apart from black spots, you may also notice a strong smell when you turn on your car. These smells referred to as 'exhaust fumes,' often have a pungent odor and could indicate something wrong with the exhaust system.

Fumes that pass through the cabin may result from cracks in the exhaust pipe that need immediate attention to avoid further damage to your car's engine.

If you notice any of the signs above, source an exhaust system online. But first, consult a reliable auto repair mechanic to diagnose the issue and determine if you need an exhaust system replacement. The professional will assess the extent of damage and advise on the best remedy between exhaust system repair and replacement.

To learn more about exhaust systems, including Chevy Corvette exhaust systems, contact a service provider.
